
First semester courses offered (in presence / hybrid / other) WW1 General Materials Properties In presence; hybrid / other means upon request WW2 Materials Science and Engineering for Metals Vorlesung Beschichtungstechnologie (Rosiwal) Metallische Werkstoffe in der Medizin (Rosiwal) ...

Category: Archive

On Friday, 14.10.2022, the master's welcome will take place at 10 a.m. in lecture hall H14 and on Zoom. Here, you will get all general information about the master program. From the beginning of lectures on Monday, 17.10., the individual preliminary meetings for the core subjects will take pla...

Category: Archive

CRC1452 Equal Opportunity Fellowship for pursuing a Master’s Degree at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1452 – “Catalysis at liquid interfaces” invites applications for an Equal Opportunity Fellowship. Eligible are international female ...

Category: Archive