NEW: Online Report Center for module M13
Starting with the winter semester 2024/25, a digital report office with self-service function is available to you for the M13 module in the master’s degree programs.
This replaces the previous procedure, according to which all evidence had to be submitted either personally to the SSC or by email.
From now on, all relevant information can be entered via this portal and the relevant documents can be uploaded.
If you have already started the module, finished the seminar or handed in certificates for the field trips before the beginning of winter semester 24/25, this novelty does NOT apply to you! Please, hand in your remaining certificates at the Student Service Center.
Log in to the site with your SSO ID.
On the main page “Overview” you can select or change your course of study under “Current Course” if necessary.
Below the overview table you can indicate that you would like to add a new proof of performance.
On the following, you can choose between the excursion and the presentation technique seminar.
An input mask appears in which the place and date of the service as well as notes to the examiner can be entered. In addition, proof of performance can be uploaded.
As soon as both partial achievements have been completed, the assessor marks the achievement as passed and a message about the completeness is sent to the examination office.